Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Mojo Monday

Im trying something new!! I found a weekly challenge, they give you the layout and I get to put my touches on it!! This is what I came up with. Im not sure it is worthy of competing against the other cards!! We shall see what the others have to say!! The others are really fancy!!

Monday, July 27, 2009


I really enjoy making cards! It is a great destresser for me and I get to be creative!! These two cards are for a baby shower in the near future! The new mom will have a stash of thank you cards to send out when she needs them.
If anyone else would like cards..please get in contact with me! I would love to do cards for any event, birth announcements, baby shower invites, thank yous, birthdays, anniversary, what ever!! I will do custom orders to the event!!

Tyson - Kiddie Kandids

This was Tyson at 3 months, he has the same outfit on that Zane did in his first professional pictures!! He did really well and would not stay in the posses the gal put him in, it was funny to watch him work against her but she got good pictures of him!!


Tyson is really starting to grab and hold onto stuff! He got the spoon from me the other day! He is a really good eater!!

Zane was in his high chair playing with play dough and Tyson was just hanging out on the table. He loves to be on his belly, he is very close to rolling from his back to the front. He rolls from belly to back all the time with out Zanes assistance!! But Zane will roll him around!

This was apple sauce! You could really see him notice the difference between the oatmeal and fruit. He had the cutest expressions! I did not get them on film, my hands were full and Scott was at work!!

Outside fun

Zane will find anything at any time to climb on!! This is just one of his little stools that we have outside for him!! If this was inside this would be easy access to the counter tops!!

This is how the boys were outside and I thought it would be a cute picture with both of them on a really nice evening before a storm....but I forgot to move Scotts beer can!! Ooops!!

Zane is pointing at the fire pit, we had a fire on the Fourth with my parents and he loved to watch the fire. I was happy about that because I know that we can take him camping!!

This is why I did not plant any flowers this summer!! I thought it would be more fun for Zane to play in the dirt, and I would not have to worry about him ruining the flowers!!

Dads helper

Zane loves to ride on Scotts back when he is mowing the lawn! He just sits and looks over his shoulder to see what is next and looks so serious.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


We took the boys to Yellowstone over the weekend for the free admission weekend! They both did so well and had a great time! This is how Zane spent the first part of the trip to Livingston! Reading, my first lesson, bring more activities for my busy 18 month old.

This was lunch at Mammoth Hot Springs, we just opened the back and layed Tyson down and Zane thought he was really big and cool sitting and eating from the baggies! He grinned everytime he reached in for a blueberry or grape! He even liked his sandwich in a spiderman box! Tyson just layed around and watched us until it was time to load up and go hiking!

We wanted to get Zane in the water at some point but thought that all the creeks would be cold, we saw a bunch of kids in the water at Firehole, so we thought we would give it a try! It was the perfect temp and Zane had a good time watching the kids and splashing around!

This is how Tyson enjoyed the water! He just laid around and cooed!

Zane liked Old Faithful! He was watching it and pointing at it! We got to this spot just a few minutes before it started it was a great view and short wait!!

Ok call us crazy but we hiked down to the top of the lower falls with the boys in packs! Zane loves this back pack and Tyson was in a front rider that I found that he likes!! 3/4 of a mile and 600 feet lower later, we enjoyed the view and it was cool from the mist! And then we hiked out...oh my asthma loved that!! It took us a little more time to get back up, but it felt so good to get it done. And then we had snacks in the back again!!

Poor Tyson had his hat over his eyes, and Zane likes to peek around dads head and see what is in front of him!! All in all it was a good day, very long but good. We decided the next time we do this we will try and get to the park sooner and only go to one or two spots and spend time!!

My boys

I wanted to start this blog with what is normal to me!! And this is the best picture I could think of!! Zane was being a monkey and coping dad!! I just happened to get the photo taken a the right moment!!

Zane was helping us in the facelift of the kitchen!! He thought he was so cool being up on the stool. We even caught him dancing to the music!!

I have no idea what to say about this smile!! He is just to darn cute at times and I want to know what is going thru his mind!!

This was on the Fourth of July!! They looked so cute in matching outfits!! Zane was a very proud big brother in these photos!!