We spent the week after Christmas in West Yellowstone snowmobiling with my parents. We had a really good time. I stayed in the rooms with the boys. We played and played and played!
Tyson did really well, he adjusted well. He was a very happy baby most of the time. He would play, and we found out his favorite thing to do was play with a box that had playing cards in it!!

And of course he had to eat them!!

Zane did really well as well. Eating was a challege, but when he got hungry he ate very well! The most activity he got was on the third floor of the hotel. They had no guest on that floor, so we took it up and he would run from one end to the other several times! He would stop and knock a door or two!! He also loved the pool! Aunt Sara and Grannie had him swimmin and going under water and he loved it!!

He was really tired when we took this picture! It was in the afternoon and we had them outside in the sled, Grandpa thought he would take a little ride with him around the parking lot, and Zane was not having it. I even tryed to take him on a ride and he was not happy! Oh well, maybe next time!!

The loot from Grannie and Gramps and Aunt Sara!!

Tyson asking for help!!

We took Tysons walker with him and he walked all over with it!! Back and forth from room to room, up and down the hall! The best thing I took with us!

Zane and dad took a nap together!!

All in all we had a great trip!! Lot of fun, and West Yellowstone is one of my favorite places to go! Lots of memories. We had to come home a day early because of Zane being really sick, but oh well, 6 days in a hotel and we survived!! :)
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